Monday, July 30


Friday was the inauguration of the second 'Unit' of IcFEM in Kamukuywa. About 1000 people were present by the end, some under the impromptu shelter of canvas strung over poles, some under the trees. IcFEM has issued from Solomon Nabie's desire to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rural peoples of Western Kenya. Now IcFEM's service to the community continues to be grounded upon 'fellowships' (~25 people each) of Christians from a variety of denominations and Churches in each area, but the focus of these groups embraces not only proclamation of God's word but practical aid as well.
The premise is as follows: God created the world. It belongs to him. He has set his Son Jesus Christ as ruler over it (Col 1:15ff). Therefore proper development can only happen departing from these truths. The implications that follow are that development has not to do with roads or hospitals but with people and their whole being, both spiritual and physical. IcFEM is spreading rapidly throughout the country here and has attracted the support of the powers that be as well. Both the local Chief and District commissioner were present at the launch on Friday, there to hear Solomon, a man with a unique talent for communication of a vision of development which no other would dare to dream.
From what we have seen and heard the things that really matter, are that this is not a white man's mission but a mission of Kenyans for Kenya, and also that Christian development must be devleopment to help the whole person, and therefore it is not about handouts, but helping people to help themselves. More to come soon...

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